Checking time on remote host
James Nachlin
jim at
Mon Apr 17 21:45:45 CEST 2006
Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, James Nachlin wrote:
>>I'm trying to figure out a way to check that my clocks are realtively in
>>synch, without running an extra service on port 37 on all of my
>>machines. This rules out the check_time plugin.
>>In order to write my own plugin, I would have to get check_nrpe to send
>>out the current time to the remote nrpe daemon. Is there a way to do
>>this, or a better way in general to check time?
> Is this about keeping nagios componentns in sync? Because I think any
> effort you need to take to keep them into sync is worth it.
Not precisely. It's just about being sure that the ntpds work properly.
> If it is about the hosts you are checking it depends on the hosts. Most
> linux machines have a way of telling if they use ntp and are in sync. The
> ntpq manual page will tell you all about it.
Yeah, but how to check this with nagios, without running an ntp server
(which seems like overkill if only for this)?
Writing the plugin would be easy if there were a way to transmit the
results of `date +%s` via check_nrpe.
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