Checking time on remote host
Jason Martin
jhmartin at
Mon Apr 17 22:43:43 CEST 2006
On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 03:45:45PM -0400, James Nachlin wrote:
> Writing the plugin would be easy if there were a way to transmit the
> results of `date +%s` via check_nrpe.
Have Nagios invoke the following script, passing in the
appropriate arguments
TIME=`perl -e 'print time()'`;
check_nrpe -H $1 -c the_command -a $TIME $2 $3
On the remote end, compare the argument passed by check_nrpe to
the current time and alarm if the time differs by more than
Alternatively, run the 'daytime' xinetd server on the nagios
host and have the script invoked on the client by check_nrpe
call back to the nagios host and get the time.
-Jason Martin
> Jim
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