Is this possible: Debugging Nagios -- logging commands and their exit codes.
Deborah Martin
Deborah.Martin at
Tue Apr 25 13:40:01 CEST 2006
Have you tried manually running the plugin on the command-line ?
'No output' usually means Nagios doesn't get a result back that it
A manual test of the plugin may tell you why...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Bessels [mailto:j.bessels at]
Sent: 25 April 2006 12:16
To: nagios-users at
Subject: [Nagios-users] Is this possible: Debugging Nagios -- logging
commands and their exit codes.
Using Nagios 2.1. When adding things to the .cfg files sometimes things
go wrong. The output of a plugin is then for example 'No output'. This
is NOT very usefull at all. It would be usefull to see which cmd is
really being executed. Am I missing here something or.....
Older msgs on the mailinglist (don't know for which versiion) suggest
trying to log things usings commands like 'ps -efU<nagios PID> or top
and putting things in a logfile. Doesn't workl that well for me.
The only thing I can come up with is the following. Hopefully you can
provide me with a better solution.....
Extending the command_line option for a command.
define command {
command_name check_ping
command_line <command_to_exec>
When I change it to the following I get things logged in a logfile
define command {
command_name check_ping
command_line /bin/echo "<command_to_exec> " >> /tmp/ping.log
Of course this is NOT a very good solution. Though the commands you
want to log is added to the logfile but the command is NOT executed.
UNFORTUNATELY the following is NOT possible.
command_line <command_to_exec> ; echo "<command_to_exec> " >>
Everything after the ; is removed be Nagios (checked objects.cache).
The only thing I can imagine which hopefully wil do the trick is the
define command {
command_name check_ping
command_line /user/home/jbessels/
"<command_to_exec> "
The script should do the following:
Parse the commandline args supplied to to get
the cmd to execute (will be called $cmd)
echo "$cmd" >> /tmp/logfile
execute $cmd and store contents in pluginoutput variable
store exit code of cmd run in returncode variable
echo $pluginoutput variable >> /tmp/logfile
echo $pluginout
exit $returncode
The last two lines are crucial I think. Because command_line has to
return an ascii string and and exitcode.
Does perhaps anyone have created such a script. If so I would be VERY
happy if you could supply me with it. Haven't that much time to figure
it all out......
If what I do is nonsense and can be accomplished in a better way I
would like to know also.....
PS. I had hoped Nagios would have had support for this kind of things
out of the box, but maybe I didn't RTFM thoroughly enough.....
Jan Bessels
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