Is this possible: Debugging Nagios -- logging commands and their exit codes.
Kurt Yoder
ktynagios at
Tue Apr 25 15:53:41 CEST 2006
Also ensure you are running the command using the same environment
that nagios is using. For instance, if your nagios process runs as
user "nagios", you should `su - nagios` before running the command.
That will allow you to exactly replicate what is happening when
nagios attempts to run the command.
For things like check_by_ssh this can be especially crucial, since
the ssh command is using authentication keys, etc from the local
user. If you have set up ssh with trusted keys from your standard
account but not from nagios, you may be able to run the command
perfectly well with your own account, but the nagios user will not be
able to.
I do like the idea of a "debugging wrapper" for executing nagios
commands though. If you find out more about such a thing or write one
yourself, please follow up to the list and/or post it to
nagiosexchange, etc.
On Apr 25, 2006, at 7:40 AM, Deborah Martin wrote:
> Have you tried manually running the plugin on the command-line ?
> 'No output' usually means Nagios doesn't get a result back that it
> understands.
> A manual test of the plugin may tell you why...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Bessels [mailto:j.bessels at]
> Sent: 25 April 2006 12:16
> To: nagios-users at
> Subject: [Nagios-users] Is this possible: Debugging Nagios -- logging
> commands and their exit codes.
> Using Nagios 2.1. When adding things to the .cfg files sometimes
> things
> go wrong. The output of a plugin is then for example 'No output'.
> This
> is NOT very usefull at all. It would be usefull to see which cmd is
> really being executed. Am I missing here something or.....
> Older msgs on the mailinglist (don't know for which versiion) suggest
> trying to log things usings commands like 'ps -efU<nagios PID> or top
> and putting things in a logfile. Doesn't workl that well for me.
> The only thing I can come up with is the following. Hopefully you can
> provide me with a better solution.....
> Extending the command_line option for a command.
> define command {
> command_name check_ping
> command_line <command_to_exec>
> }
> When I change it to the following I get things logged in a logfile
> define command {
> command_name check_ping
> command_line /bin/echo "<command_to_exec> " >> /tmp/ping.log
> }
> Of course this is NOT a very good solution. Though the commands you
> want to log is added to the logfile but the command is NOT executed.
> UNFORTUNATELY the following is NOT possible.
> command_line <command_to_exec> ; echo "<command_to_exec> " >>
> /tmp/ping.log
> Everything after the ; is removed be Nagios (checked objects.cache).
> The only thing I can imagine which hopefully wil do the trick is the
> followig.
> define command {
> command_name check_ping
> command_line /user/home/jbessels/
> "<command_to_exec> "
> }
> The script should do the following:
> Parse the commandline args supplied to to get
> the cmd to execute (will be called $cmd)
> echo "$cmd" >> /tmp/logfile
> execute $cmd and store contents in pluginoutput variable
> store exit code of cmd run in returncode variable
> echo $pluginoutput variable >> /tmp/logfile
> echo $pluginout
> exit $returncode
> The last two lines are crucial I think. Because command_line has to
> return an ascii string and and exitcode.
> Does perhaps anyone have created such a script. If so I would be VERY
> happy if you could supply me with it. Haven't that much time to figure
> it all out......
> If what I do is nonsense and can be accomplished in a better way I
> would like to know also.....
> PS. I had hoped Nagios would have had support for this kind of things
> out of the box, but maybe I didn't RTFM thoroughly enough.....
> Grtz,
> Jan Bessels
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