Esx checks

Steve Shipway s.shipway at
Tue Nov 7 22:45:30 CET 2006

> Whenever I am getting info from an ESX server 
> I can use this info to get the following information:
> VHosts: 10/10 up: 
> 	w2kbi70(up), 
> Is there some way to get snmp info from those machines so
> I can parse a list of hosts to some other services like the following?

As far as I know, there is no way to find out the IP address of an ESX
guest OS without connecting to it (eg by logging in to the virtual
console), and therefore no way to SNMP query it.  The ESX server does
not actually know the guest's IP address(es), only the virtual switch to
which it has virtual network ports mapped.

The check_esx2 plugin (you seem to not have the latest version, by the
way) just uses SNMP to the ESX service console to check on guests and
identifies the vhosts by the ESX internal VMID.

What I do here is use a homegrown program that does matching between
known hostnames and the VMWare guest name, and (because we usually
follow a strict naming standard) I can identify matches.  I still need
to know the hostname, though. 

I'd suggest you make sure that the first token in the ESX Guest
description is the hosts FQDN (possibly with your site's domain cut off
for brevity) and then you'll be able to use DNS to indentify it and SNMP
query it directly.


Steve Shipway
ITSS, University of Auckland 
(09) 3737 599 x 86487
s.shipway at


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