Esx checks
Derek J. Balling
deballing at
Tue Nov 7 22:59:19 CET 2006
On Nov 7, 2006, at 4:45 PM, Steve Shipway wrote:
> As far as I know, there is no way to find out the IP address of an ESX
> guest OS without connecting to it (eg by logging in to the virtual
> console), and therefore no way to SNMP query it. The ESX server does
> not actually know the guest's IP address(es), only the virtual
> switch to
> which it has virtual network ports mapped.
That can't be true. VirtualCenter routinely tells me what IP address
a guest VM is using.
Maybe there's some VC nonsense that happens, but it seems like you
might be able to get at that info using the ESX Perl API or something?
Derek J. Balling
Manager of Systems Administration
Vassar College
124 Raymond Ave
Box 0406 - Computer Center 217
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604
W: (845) 437-7231
C: (845) 249-9731
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