Monitoring windows servers

Geoffrey Walton geoffrey.walton at
Tue Sep 26 21:06:13 CEST 2006

Hi Ranga				

Like everything it can be done but is "fun" to configure and get

Here is an extract of some notes I made when setting up a test system,
 so it only makes 97% sense, there a a couple of "odd" sentences.
 Remember it is still work in progress so if anything doesn't work
 plese let me know.

It assumes you have Nagios working with the plugins ahd NRPE installed.


Monitoring a Windows Server

Download the file for NRPE-NT onto the windows box, http://www.nagiosexch[p_view]=139, and unzip

Rename the bin directory as Nagios and move it to the root directory
 on the c drive.

Open a DOS cmd window

cd /nagios

nrpe_nt -i

Now go and start the Nagios Remote service or reboot this client

If you have a firewall on the client server open port 5666.

Download the file for Basic NRPE_NT Plugins 

onto the windows box,
l?&tx_netnagext_pi1[p_view]=62, and unzip it. 

Copy all the exe files in the bin directory to c:\Nagios.

In the Nagios directory edit nrpe.cfg and set the allowed host to
 the ip of your nagios server.


Then at the bottom, add configuration lines for the checks we can

command[nt_cpuload]=C:\nagios\cpuload_nrpe_nt.exe 50 80

command[nt_check_disk_c]=C:\nagios\diskspace_nrpe_nt.exe c: 70

command[nt_check_disk_d]=C:\nagios\diskspace_nrpe_nt.exe d: 70

command[nt_check_disk_e]=C:\nagios\diskspace_nrpe_nt.exe e: 70

command[nt_eventlog]=C:\nagios\eventlog_nrpe_nt.exe 7200 "Service
 Control Manager"

command[nt_memload]=C:\nagios\memload_nrpe_nt.exe 70 90

command[nt_service]=C:\nagios\service_nrpe_nt.exe "Event Log,DNS

These commands all have fixed values which once you are familiar
 with what you are doing you might want to change them. If you want
 to use parameters in the commands read the comments in the config

Now on the host server we have to set up a new host in the host.cfg
 file, why not copy the entries for the first server and change
 the name, alias and address to those relating to your windows server.

Copy this to checkcommands.cfg

define command{

command_name nt_check_disk_c

command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c nt_check_disk_c


define command{

command_name nt_check_disk_d

command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c nt_check_disk_d


define command{

command_name nt_check_disk_e

command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c nt_check_disk_e


define command{

command_name nt_cpuload

command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c nt_cpuload


define command{

command_name nt_memload

command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c nt_memload


define command{

command_name nt_service

command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c nt_service


define command{

command_name nt_eventlog

command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c nt_eventlog


Copy this to the service.cfg replacing xxxxxxxxxx with the host
 name you used in the hosts.cfg file.

define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name xxxxxxxxxx

service_description NT_DISK_C

is_volatile 0

check_period 24x7

max_check_attempts 3

normal_check_interval 5

retry_check_interval 1

contact_groups linux-admins

notification_interval 240

notification_period 24x7

notification_options c,r

check_command nt_check_disk_c


Validate the configuration, and as a small exercise, correct the
 deliberate error, validate again and restart Nagios.

By copying the nagios directory onto other windows server and setting
 up the service to run as described above you can monitor them as
 well. You will also need to define them in the hosts.cfg and add
 them to the host_name on service entry defined above in the service.cfg

- Geoffrey Walton (geoffrey)


This thread is located in the archive at this URL:


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