Service Alerts and Notifications

wnorth wnorth at
Sat Jan 6 01:19:23 CET 2007

That is actually interesting, when the host goes down I see a HARD service
alert as follows:

HOST ALERT: ebro;DOWN;HARD;5;CRITICAL - Host Unreachable (

But for the check_http I only see the following:

SERVICE ALERT: ebro;Website App Server MS2;CRITICAL;SOFT;3;Connection

Once I changed the retry interval to 1 and the max attempts to 1 I saw the
email, so I just wasn't waiting long enough...makes sense. In theory I would
want it to try 3 times in a row, if it fails send an email, then wait 5
minutes and retry again.

For that to work I tried the following: 
max_check_attempts 3
retry_check_interval 5
normal_check_interval 5

This should force it to try 3 times before setting a HARD alert and wait 5
minutes between normal intervals, however that is not what it does, it
appears it sets the retry_check_interval to 5 minutes between non-OK service
alerts, so if I tell it to try 3 times, it will try 3 times and wait
in-between tries for 5 minutes, if I set it to 2 on the retry it will wait 2
minutes in between tries, which comes out to a total of 6 minutes. I'd
rather it fail after a minute or so, so if I set it to 0 it will inherit a
standard minute...the only way to solve this is to set it at a 1 minute
interval and just wait.

Sound about right?

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Yost [mailto:Josh.Yost at] 
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 3:56 PM
To: wnorth at
Cc: nagios-users at
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] Service Alerts and Notifications

	This is kind of stupid/obvious, but

a) I don't see a HARD service alert in your log snip for the service.
Did it actually get to that state?  Your retry interval is 3 min, so it
would take you 15 min or so to get an alert.

b) If it did get to HARD, what was the cmd it tried to run & is that a
valid cmd?

c) Did you kill all the old processes and restart Nagios w/ the new config?

I don't see anything obvious in your cfgs that wouldn't be working.

- Josh

wnorth at wrote:
> I have setup a few host and HTTP service checks and alerts. When a host
goes down I recieve an email, but when the check_http service fails (e.g.
the TCP port is shutdown on the web server) I see the service alert in the
nagios.log as follows:
Server MS2;1168038636
> [1168038644] SERVICE ALERT: ebro;Website App Server
MS2;CRITICAL;SOFT;1;Connection refused
> [1168038824] SERVICE ALERT: ebro;Website App Server
MS2;CRITICAL;SOFT;2;Connection refused
> [1168039004] SERVICE ALERT: ebro;Website App Server
MS2;CRITICAL;SOFT;3;Connection refused
> But I do not recieve an email. The following service is defined:
> define service{
>         host_name               ebro
>         service_description     Website App Server MS2
>         check_command           check_http_fitness_app
>         max_check_attempts      5
>         normal_check_interval   5
>         retry_check_interval    3
>         check_period            24x7
>         contact_groups          jboss-admins
>         notification_interval   30
>         notification_period     24x7
>         notification_options    w,u,c,r,f
> }
> The following contact is setup for the jboss-admins groups:
> define contactgroup{
>  contactgroup_name jboss-admins
>  alias JBoss Administrators
>  members wnorth
> }
> The following contact is setup for wnorth:
> define contact{
>         contact_name                    wnorth
>         alias                           Wes North
>         service_notification_period     24x7
>         host_notification_period        24x7
>         service_notification_options    w,u,c,r,f
>         host_notification_options       d,u,r,f
>         service_notification_commands   notify-by-email
>         host_notification_commands      host-notify-by-email
>         email                           wnorth at
> }
> If I bring a host offline I see the following alert in the nagios.log:
> [1168037707] HOST NOTIFICATION:
wnorth;ebro;DOWN;host-notify-by-email;CRITICAL - Host Unreachable
> [1168037767] HOST ALERT: ebro;UP;HARD;1;PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA =
0.40 ms
> [1168037767] HOST NOTIFICATION: wnorth;ebro;UP;host-notify-by-email;PING
OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.40 ms
> But if I bring a web service offline it fails to email me. I don't know
why, I have specified everything correctly. Any insight would be much
> -Wes
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