check_cluster config

stephen wing stephen.wing at
Mon Oct 1 09:50:04 CEST 2007


            I am trying to setup the check_cluster service

I have 2 aix client machines configured for HACMP and I need to measure the
filesystem fullness which I already do for filesystems that remain on each
host. I also need to measure the filesystems that will move between hosts if
the cluster fails over. For each cluster member I have setup a service to
monitor the desired filesystem that moves hosts, so nagios shows the
filesystem is OK on the active host and a critical alert on the passive

I want to use check_cluster to monitor alerts if filesystem is not visible
on either host.


I have setup the servicecluster.cfg file with the 2 hosts and the service
descriptions on each.

I have defined the command as follows :-


# 'check_service_cluster' command definition

define command{

        command_name    check_service_cluster

        command_line    /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_cluster --service
/usr/local/nagios/var/status.dat $ARG1$ $ARG2$ < $ARG3$



I have also defined the service against the nagios server as :-


define service {

host_name                      aixtest1

service_description            hcn cluster status


use                            generic-service

max_check_attempts             3

normal_check_interval          1

retry_check_interval           1

active_checks_enabled          1

check_period                   24x7

notification_interval          60

notification_period            24x7

notification_options           w,c,r

notifications_enabled          1

contact_groups                 admins



With this setup, nagios gives the error :-

Could not parse arguments 



Has anybody done this sort of thing before and have any ideas why it is not








Stephen Wing


Steria Limited


Senior Technical Consultant

Telephone  02890393605

Mobile       07966823605



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