Anthony Montibello amontibello at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 03:17:27 CET 2009

In Responce to the original Question.

Nagios is designed to process any command that can can make it to a command
Nagions does not have anything internally to communicate with the service
checks, it relies on the Plugins one chooses to configure.

The purpose of Check_nt used in conjunction with a windows client like
(NC_NEt, NSCLinet++) is to enable getting data from windows to the Unix
teminal for nagios to process.

If you can get the data through some other means, Like NSCA, NRPE, SNMP,
Windows Credentials, WHatever then feel free to do it that way.

It may help to READ the Nagios MANUAL
(or if you have read the manual  RE-READ IT)
since the Nagios 3.X manual has a chapter on Windows monitoring,
and other parts of the manual may also be helpful if you plan
on administrating  Nagios.

Tony (author of NC_Net)

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 6:28 AM, Martyn <martyn at chetnet.co.uk> wrote:

>  Why does Nagios need the NSClient to access Windows boxes when other
> systems like PRTG use windows logon conditionals, think Cacti is the same
> also.
> Thanks
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