passive host alive check?
Klein, Oliver
oklein at
Thu Apr 22 09:55:37 CEST 2010
i have a questions about passive checks, we use this option to monitor some servers from our customers.
Now our problem is, that the services are in the state "OK" but the hosts are "down", but the host is "alive".
How can I solve this? I read some docs about this issue, but I didn´t really understand what to do now. Can anyone
give a short howto about this issue?
Big thx in advance
Regards Olly
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Oliver Klein
System Engineer
Tel: 02506 / 93 20 214
Mobil: 0163-5932004
E-Mail: oklein at
Noethen Computer Center GmbH
Wolbecker Windmuehle 55
48167 Muenster
Tel: 02506 93 20 0
FAX: 02506 93 20 20
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Versand am 22.04.2010 09:55 von Klein Oliver
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